A Walk To The Memorial…Finally

It is just shy of oppressively warm this July day, and the brief downpour earlier has cooled it just a bit, and there is that smell of evaporating water in the air, as it steams up from the warm ground and surrounds me. It has been sixteen years since that day, and since we got…

After Dad, First Week

There is another post about how my dad died. This one covers the first week afterwards. I was twelve. Grieving for Emilee has allowed me to revisit and see some things about my dad’s death that I never realized before, and enabled me to understand feelings that I never completely understood. This has helped me…

When I Was Twelve…

  I was twelve. It was May 12, 1966, a Thursday. We had moved into this house eight months ago on my twelfth birthday. I walked the three-quarters of a mile to the LIRR station to meet my dad at around 6 p.m. so I could have some time with him as we walked back…

Emilee’s One Year Anniversary

I made it … well… it is kind of like something that is radioactive…if you get tooo close you are affected by it… that is how anniversary dates are… maybe it is more like a gravitational pull… when you get close you can feel the effect and immediately after as well…as as time ticks on,…

Poem – Welcome Home

WELCOME HOME   Behold … A magnificent city lies before you Waiting to receive the essence of your soul.   And what should form the substance of this city’s structures, Its buildings its shelters its roofs and walls, Its wind, earth, and all its essences… Goodness and kindness, forgiveness and mercy, Faith, hope and love…

My Voice – How Social Media Helped Me Survive Loss

My Voice When I Could Not Speak – How Social Media Helped Me Survive Loss (This is a piece I wrote for a Blog Site on the topic of social media.) When Emilee died on January 31 2017 from Adeno carcinoma pancreatic cancer, my world fell apart, and I died right along with her. I…

A Journal Entry of Emilee’s and Celine Dion’s Music, and Twinkle

https://youtu.be/rn4F4HhXrVI     Celine Dion …..Miracle, A Celebration of New Life Emilee would listen to this every night to help soothe her and calm some of her anxiety. She liked it so much she bought one for all the family members. Her favorite nursery rhyme was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and we used to sing it…

Home – A Perspective And A Poem From Emilee

Some people, before they die, ask to be taken home. This is both very sad, for us, and yet very beautiful, for them. Maybe for us as well, but usually we are reluctant and sometimes adamant that we do NOT want that person to leave us, we do not want that HOLE, that unfathomable ache…

Poem – Falling

This poem came as I was feeling pulled to sadness, as I approach the one year anniversary of Emilee’s death from this plane of existence and into another. FALLING When I am feeling blue I have half a dozen things to, but don’t want, to do Then suddenly goes the floor It recedes, drops and…

On Childhood Trauma And Adulthood

David Whyte, ….on childhood trauma…from his book titled The Heart Aroused (1992). Now, David Whyte is a poet, not a pschologist. But, he is an insightful poet and he does his research. I enjoy his own poetry, the poetry he uses to expound on his thinking, and his thoughtful insights. “It is generally accepted in modern…