Home – A Perspective And A Poem From Emilee

Some people, before they die, ask to be taken home. This is both very sad, for us, and yet very beautiful, for them. Maybe for us as well, but usually we are reluctant and sometimes adamant that we do NOT want that person to leave us, we do not want that HOLE, that unfathomable ache of loss.

If we could step back and see it differently, it would be a most wondrous vision, of going HOME.

Emilee McDermott Klein‘s last words before she slept and did not wake again, were, “Take me home, Please, take me home, I want to go HOME NOW”. ‘Yes”, I said, “I will take you home”, not realizing immediately how prophetic and poignant those words were, but the huge lump in my throat told me.

If you do not know, depression was not exactly foreign to Emilee, and pancreatic cancer as you could imagine, made it worse. Several years earlier, during a rough time, she wrote the following, which after an intense weekend of reading some of her writings, I share with you here, as the one-year anniversary of her death approaches (January 31).

Sometimes I feel so dislocated,
I wander
Reaching out my hand
Needing it to touch a solid, safe, secure foundation,
I need some place to feel at,
I need connection,
I’m so disconnected since the final moving.
Fear is always the silent sword.
Ready to cut,
to sever the ties that have formed.
I walk, waiting to feel
The feeling I long for.
I return, waiting to feel
The feeling I long for.
In his arms I feel peace,
Connected, secure.
Without them I scramble.
Reaching out, touching my surroundings
Hoping to feel the
Solidity I so deeply need.
I need “Home”……..EmK

She continued:
Is this how the homeless feel? Wandering, needing to grasp hold, to feel a solid root again or, are they running from this?

This is Neal Harvey….good day!
May we inhale peace with every breath we a blessed to take.


