Serendipity and Some Levity

dear Emilee McDermott Klein  after losing a poem to our son and daughter in law on their anniversary poem for the day….as I lost a post and had to rewrite , then lost my mind and ohhhh what a site, but it caused me to write this so allllllllllll is not really lost,  helped me to…

Poem – For All The Grieving Souls

For those grieving for lost loved ones anywhere, but right now, especially for Sutherland Springs, Texas, Manhattan, New York, Las Vegas, Nevada, and countless others here, and everywhere…for you and the anguish you are feeling and for all of us who feel the enormity of your loss…our hearts reach out to yours… Grieving Souls Bless…

Music for the Soul

November 4, 2017 Amazing Music….For The Soul These are all youtube links that will …I hope…. bring you incredible emotions….hope, love, tears, joy, ethereal smiles of wonder, enthrallment with music, and beauty of this moment, and whatever you wish to bring to it…I did this last night and had a computer glitch and lost all…

Please Sample……Joe Sample

Please Sample …..Joe Sample I cannot leave out this artist who….as someone phrased, “continued” in 2014, and I absolutely love the term “continued”….he died in 2014 from mesothelioma….wonderful musician (keyboards), composer, and person, played with so many artists…a member of the Crusaders in the 1970’s and beyond….find a history of him on Wikipedia, and plenty…

Experiencing Loss As A Process That Transforms

It is difficult to sum up grief in several paragraphs or one poem or one long saying or piece of prose. And, some of this I have said before and am reiterating it here. But, if you don’t like long statements you won’t read this anyway so you won’t remember that I said it before…

Emilee’s Clothes

Emilee’s Clothes. Sounds like the title of a poem or a story. The Emperor’s clothes. It IS a story. It is always a story. For me, and for anyone else that has ever had to perform this task or will have to perform this task in the future. The dreaded “going through the clothes” experience.…

Seven Attitudes For Mindfulness (Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn)

Seven Attitudes For Mindfulness (Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn) I think this is very important, and key to effective mindfulness based meditation practice. It may sound simple. Maybe it is simple. But realize that simple does not mean easy. Most life lessons, after all is said and done, are simple. But, I am not…

A Meeting, A Date, Hope, Disappointment, Hope, A Beginning

The beginning of this is an excerpt of a young man’s story, having had multiple surgeries on his jaw for cancer, about a very early interaction with a woman after several years of cancer treatments and surgeries. Afterwards, follows my reply and my story: “Obviously, when you get to know each other better, you start…

Essay on Las Vegas Massacre

The Las Vegas massacre, I purposely did not watch the news after the tragedy. I listened to some of the news on the radio, on NPR, but I did not want to see the images. Grief triggers my own grieving well, and although not watching the TV news, I knew at some point I would…

Some Songs To Emote To

Why post these songs? Music is powerful, often hitting the emotional well and causing fireworks or leaky faucets, or gyrations and waves of motion (dance moves you forgot you had) and emotion.  A few songs of hundreds I could list…..some are loss songs….some are love songs….almost all are clean your sinuses and tear duct songs…tissues suggested…many…