SCHMCOTUS – What It Means and Why I Need This Word
I need to re-Define the word SCHMCOTUS. But first, why do I need such a word? Necessity inspires me, hence the saying, necessity is the Mother of invention. It is a Mother alright. Ignoramus became insufficient as a descriptor to alleviate my feeling incredulous at the enormous credulous population who are his supporters. People…
Read MoreGolden Eye Yellow Sunflower Shower Award (GEYSSA)
Golden Eye Yellow Sunflower Shower Award (GEYSSA) You may or may not recall, some time ago I wrote a piece about the sunflowers. I will summarize. Once upon a time, the sunflowers got together, Marched on Washington, D.C. and marched right into Trump’s office. When they left, tens of thousands of them, Trump lay…
Read MoreHold It
What do I call this story? I may have to let you choose. You can decide after reading it. Some possibilities: Hold It; 27 Minutes of Hell; Hold On But Don’t Let Go; Squeeze and Don’t Let Go; Push ‘Em Back, Push ‘Em Back, Waaaaay Back; When the Stars Misalign; Gotta Go Now; Peristalsis To…
Read MoreBike Story and Who
I came home on the last day of the workshop. I felt buoyed by the writing and the learning, encouraged by the friendships, and hopeful. The sting of abandonment inside my gut was not as strong as it was four days ago when the first class ended. I wanted to get outside and ride my…
Read More‘ What Just Happened, And What Is Going On
Seriously, LOL, I don’t know what happened… saved an apostrophe (in the title box) as a post…I left it there…LOL…I don’t know what key or key combination I hit and my post screen was gone, and it saved an apostrophe as a post….and it would NOT let me cancel the post and get rid of…
Read MoreA Poetry Dilemma, Serious or Humor With A Tremor
Maybe you, too, will laugh at the choice of my lines in a poem,…serious versus a chuckle…just take note, and then vote…lol…just kidding…I like both….. will just have to be a poem with alternative lines to read….. give the reader something to laugh at (I almost peed). The second choice just got carried away from a…
Read MoreThe Lure Of A Chance To Win
I must discuss why it is, that I can be just like a little psychology lab rat, you know, the ones that are in an enclosure, and they will push a lever to get a pellet of food, and depending on how you reward them with the pellet schedule (every lever push, or every 5…
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