Happy Birthday Poem
A birthday is a marker of time,
An anniversary that is ripe,
A celebration of the day you left the womb,
To breathe the Breath of Life.
To see, smell, touch, feel, hear, and taste,
And learn about your world,
And as years pass you learn some things,
As the map of your life is unfurled.
But nothing’s set or fixed in stone,
And the only thing that you’re sure to find,
Is uncertainty and life’s twists and turns,
Can awaken and confuse you as your path unwinds.
Sometimes it’s all clear,
But often it’s white noise sounding like a whir,
And try as you might to have it make sense,
Except for when you stop to notice the flowers, it’s really all a blur.
Stop and breathe,
Listen to your breath,
Coming in and going away,
And celebrate what is right now, and have peace on your birthday.