Poems, Rainbows On The Page

Intro to Rainbow Post (second time around) One of the worst feelings is to lose something you have just written, and especially if you loved the way it read. And then with a mistaken key stroke, poof, it is all gone. That just happened, and I should have known better than to write it in…

Poem, “Jumper On The Ledge”

JUMPER ON THE LEDGE Jumper on the ledge That’s been me From time to time Many times Grad school, home care, when Emilee died. Now not so much, but not far from the edge. I find joy talking to A jumper on the ledge Seeing if Using my scarred heart I can use words and…

Poem, “Affirmations (Echoes)”

AFFIRMATIONS (ECHOES) Affirmations Like echoes Echoes are a wondrous thing. You shout And your voice rushes out into space And instead of fading, Dissipating into nothingness, Dropping off into a vast void, A bottomless canyon, An infinite, endless expanding universe, Your voice comes back to you. Almost a surprise Almost unexpected Your mouth still open,…

Winnie, Friend To The End

WINNIE Winnie is a Boyd bear (a stuffed toy, cuddly bear, wearing pink overalls) we adopted somewhere around 2001, give or take. She has been an important part of our family. You must understand that Winnie communicates with us, and vice versa. She has a personality, very strong opinions at times, is a bit of…

Poem, “What Is This Lonely”

WHAT IS THIS EMPTY What is this empty I feel, Longing for more than touch, Touch with connection. Touch with emotion. Touch with emotional connection. How do I feed my self, And learn to fill my self, Linger in my own fullness Without the aching emptiness, The deep pangs of lonely. And once not so…

2 Poems, “A Drink And A Wish From The Well”

“Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing” (Kahlil Gibran) Based on that phrase, I like “well” better, and I was inspired to write this a Poem and a Wish, for those who just need a little something   DRINK FROM THE WELL Only when you drink from the well…

Poem, “For Mother’s Day”

For all the mothers who ….. as the last lines of this prayer speak of bringing a certain vision to life… I thought that even though you may not necessarily be religious or even a mother, most of us are spiritual in some way… and this prayer spoke of that …..that piece that i feel…

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

If you are feeling miserable you may resist this, and I understand.  Just humor me for a few minutes, okay? On the anniversary of Emilee’s diagnosis two years ago..May 9, 2015…and those of you reading this that do not know, she died three months ago.  Just tuck that in the back of your head somewhere.…

Poem, “The Oak Tree, A Message Of Encouragement”

This was a poem on a card to Emilee (from her mother), in which her mom wished her strength to endure. I thought it might be helpful and hopeful. I think of the roots in this poem, as your love…it is strong, deep rooted, and your love will be here as you survive after cancer,…

Poem, “Grandchild” or “Unrequested Hugs”

Unrequested hugs, especially when I am body slammed at a full run (she is almost two years old), with pure enthusiasm and mischief, prompted this:   Grandchild   Grandchild who are you That can make joy spread and vibrate In each cell that is my body   How do your eyes The faces you make…