Day 28, Birthday Month, Sunflowers March on Washington
August 28, 2017 Day 28 of Birthday Month
You will have to forgive any typos that are still lurking…when I am done, I am done….I am done now…
So…I had this thought or Emilee whispered it in my ear or …(..oh oh, Winnie is quivering and hiding her ears with her hands….hehe) …I had this thought…lol… sunflowers are very loving…I mean they are happy… they are full of magic and love… they do not know of hate or bigotry or exclusion of others….they are welcoming and embracing of all…. all…. ALL… except mean and stupid ***holes of course…. sighhhhhh… ok… proceding….
So what if …. all the sunflowers got together…. and marched on Washington…. not only marched on the capitol….but marched into whereever the schmotus POTUS is (that is my new name for he that shall NOT BE MENTIONED…hehe…PMURT….or SUTOP….. use a mirror if you are having difficulty…for those of you who haven’t read any Harry Potter books, or seen the movies, the villain’s name is not uttered often, and is spelled backwards at times…but I digress… let me continue…)
They are marching…you have that picture in your mind now, right… the sunflowers are marching…. (I must digress once more to say…. there is a Hebrew song…the Maccabees are marching…. this reminded me of that song… although…they were warriors… the sunflowers are lovers, although they may possibly have the same end effect)…so they are marching..and they march right into the oval office, or his bedroom, or wherever they find him and since they are full of love and light and are all knowing they know how to find him wherever he is…Washington, or his private island, or with a Russian prostitute…wherever he is, they can find him, those loving flowers…
They march right in there, I mean what is security going to do, or secret service…what? shoot all the sunflower heads off??? so ….they march in there unscathed and they surround him and they start singing…..LET LOVE SURROUND US….FILL US ….ABOUND US…LET LOVE RESOUND IN OUR HEARTS…..(yeah, so they may have messed up the words a tad….so what? They will get it right on the next chorus)
And they surround him, and squeeze him, thousands of sunflowers, they squeeze him with love, they drown out his screams of terror with their love….they smother the BASTARD (oops, sorry)…they smother him with love, and kindness, and sunshine, and song, and their song deafens his ears (because let us face it, the man was already deaf), now I am getting confused….see….. damn…see, I thought I had this all figured out and now I am getting muddled and befuddled….
I am confused…. I thought they were going to smother him with LOVE…. SMOTHER HIM I SAY…. smother the mother….until he overdosed on LOVE… but now I am not so sure…. should they deafen him, or enable him to hear…..should they smother him, or enable him to breathe….
Should they squeeeeeeeeze the life out of him (my original idea, to smother him with love) or should they enable him to truly SEE for the first time….. I think, I still want to go with …. SMOTHER HIM WITH LOVE……until he can’t breathe any longer…. SMOTHER HIM WITH KINDNESS…. and then quietly, …..yes, yes, okay okay….one more verse of song…. LET LOVE SURROUND US…… FILL US, ASTOUND US….LET LOVE ABOUND IN OUR HEARTS…. did I get the words correct this time???
So…what do you think??….and then they file out of there, with their heads held high, not bowed, but held high….they file out of there…..millions and millions of sunflowers of all shapes and sizes….small, medium, large, rubenesque, flat out very rubenesque, tall and short, gay and straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transexual, questioning sexual, muslim, hindi, buddhist, dalai lamist, all colors of the rainbow, every color, every religion, every country, every everything (sorry, except nazis and white supremicists…..oh hell, okay…buttttttt….do we have to love THEM TOO?….sighhhhh….God and Winnie said yes….. okay…them too…love them to death….I mean….you know… give them a squeeze of love tooooooo……)
Where was I , or where am I….. everyone is leaving the room, like the rainbow sprinkles that I sooooo dearly love and would be deprived if I didn’t have once in a while….they leave….. and schmotus is lying there…with this very peaceful expression on his face….. at last….peace….for him…for the world….peace…. his LOSS, somehow brings all peoples and all nations together to work in HARMONY…..
(No, no, you can’t be thinking what you are thinking….you can’t…… nooooo…. that his death … some religious figure of the not all that distant past….that his death brings people together….that would mean he is not the ANTI….just wondering)……. PEOPLE GET READY, THERE’S A TRAIN A’COMIN’…..DON’T NEED NO TICKET, YOU JUST CLIMB ONBOARD….
Anyway, not sure of the ending…. you can help with that….in more ways than one…. figuratively and literally….. we have to make this story right….has to be with love….has to be swift and effective…and final…and then we have to start the new world the way it is supposed to be….with love, with understanding, with inclusion, with God, whatever that means to each of us, with God with love in our hearts and our souls…..
And we need to figure out how to humanely deal with the aberrations of humankind…The people who feel exclusion is the right way…another topic…put them in a bubble and put them into an infinite orbit out into the cosmos….okay…we solved that one….now, what to do about this word, human…which should be huwomankind because after all…. Without a womb, we can’t incubate another human….. seeds can be stored, but can you grow a fetus in vitro?…. Topic for another day??? Maybe we talk terms for a minute.
But the word human needs to be changed…. It does….we need something that includes all….. and besides, who came up with that word anyway…the word needs to encompass all of us…I’ll have to get to work on that…anybody have any ideas throw them out here…we need to get to work on that….maybe empathkind…..or encompasskind…or …ALLkind…. I like that one the best so far…
By the way…. Homo sapiens…… does that not mean….. same knowing (okay it means wise man in Latin, yeah, soooooo wise)…. Okay…. Correct that….sapiens means wise…. Homo means what?….same….or Latin for man…. Homo is the “human genus, which also includes Neanderthals and many other extinct species of hominid. Home sapiens is the only surviving species of the genus HOMO”… fancy that…. We are all HOMO’s….. okay…. No joke… well, we are… so?…. Not to get confused here….
Wise man…. Homo sapien….. obviously, we don’t ALL live up to our name, matter of fact, most of us do NOT…. So what is my point… that maybe …in latin the word “all” is OMNIS…… maybe we need to be OMNIS SAPIENS ….. all wise…… or maybe the word that describes a being with both sets of genitalia, both male and female, is hermaphrodite….many groups of animals in the invertebrates do not have separate sexes….most plants are also hermaphrodites. So what about hermaphroditesapien….. actually I am still liking OMNIS SAPIEN so far….ALLKIND or ALLSAPIEN are not too bad either…
this is Paul Harvey (aka Neal Klein)……………………………….Good Day
Neal Klein
Life After Emilee, on the loss of my wife to pancreatic cancer. I’m not accepting comments right now but please feel free to get in touch via my Contact page.